Toco Nikaido – Interview for Staging Decadence
Toco Nikaido, Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker: Extreme Voices (2016). Festival Theaterformen, Braunschweig. Photo: Andreas Greiner-Napp,
Toco Nikaido is a performance maker and pop idol based in Tokyo. All of her work is inspired by and restages practices associated with otaku, which refers to geeky and extremely committed subcultural superfans of manga, anime and pop idols. Her first group, Banana Gakuen Junjo Otome-gumi (Banana Academy Pure-Hearted Girls’ Group), was co-founded with support from the writer Norihito Nakayashiki in 2008, but it was another three years until the company entered the public eye with Banana Gaku eyes ☆ Gei-geki Big Big Big Big Big Strategy (2011), and BANAGAKU ★☆ Super Spunky Sports Autumn Grand Tournament!!!!! ~ Tokyo Edition (2011), both of which premiered in Tokyo’s Ikebukuro district. Nikaido launched a new group in 2013, Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker, and it is this company that exposed her work to an international audience with productions like Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker: Noise and Darkness (2014), and Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker: Extreme Voices (2016). Each performance features a rotating cast of between 30 and 50 performers, although Nikaido regularly worked with three key collaborators between 2013 and 2017 – Masami Kato, Eri Takamura, and Amanda Waddell – and each also follows a similar format. Audiences can generally expect hyper-accelerated karaoke-style J-pop and K-pop playlists, rapid costume changes that nod to various historical styles and subcultural fashions, strobe-like projections that immerse the stage in a kaleidoscopic barrage of anime graphics and icons, references to pop-cultural iconography (for instance, wigs resembling the iconic blue hair of the Vocaloid idol Hatsune Miku), an onslaught of consumables that are catapulted into the auditorium (seaweed, tofu, confetti, water, light pyrotechnics and the like), and a highly frenetic form of otagei, which is a kind of cheerleading performed by otaku at pop-idol concerts. As Nikaido explains below, audiences don’t need to be familiar with such diverse and culturally-specific references in order to ‘enjoy’ each work; in fact, bemusement at such a chaotic take on the fetishisation of ‘Cool Japan’ is one of the things that inspires the more incandescent responses among critics and audiences at home and abroad, at least among those more disposed to sensorial assault.
How would you describe your work to someone coming to it for the first time?
My work with Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker entails the theatrical art of ‘Ohagi Live’, which is a live performance format comprised of 30-50 performers working in a frenzied, chaotic space, albeit with meticulously-rigid controls.
The materials, songs, animations, costumes, gestures and especially the dance routines that you explore in all of your staged work are grounded in cultural practices that may be lost on many outside of Japan, and perhaps also Japanese people who are not tuned into Japanese subcultures. However, your performances continue to gain critical acclaim at home, and especially abroad. Why do you think that is?
When we performed overseas, people would say, ‘You used that song! Loved that!’, which demonstrates that international audiences have an attachment to the idol and anime songs that are popular in Japan. Some of them came dressed in Japanese anime cosplay, some brought along sairiumu (glow sticks used at anime-song and idol concerts), and some children wore clothing by brands grounded in Japanese subculture. Anyway, the demography of Miss Berserker’s audience is very broad, especially overseas, and there were some unexpected moments when the audience went crazy when the band played Japanese songs familiar to enthusiasts. There were also moments when non-otaku international fans recognized songs that everyone knows. All audiences enjoy Miss Berserker, regardless of the extent of their previous knowledge of Japanese subculture. Maybe Miss Berserker is now universal entertainment? Universal to all humans?! Well, it definitely has the potential to become exactly that.
So are you looking to celebrate and shine a spotlight on Japanese sub- and popular culture?
My aim is to create from the perspective of a young person living in ‘Tokyo’ in ‘Japan’ and navigating today’s ‘modern times’. I create screaming dance performances with loose narratives and audience participation, thus transcending boundaries. As someone who comes from an underground idol background, I was particularly impressed by the otagei performances that otaku audiences performed themselves at concerts, and wanted to bring that performance up onto the stage itself, leading to my style of incorporating Japanese ‘geek’ culture into the production. The massive quantity of props, the use of dance and lines in Japanese, English and other languages, and the use of otagei, a form of physical expression unique to Japan – these are what make Miss Berserker unique. I seek to be excessive and phenomenal.
Miss Berserker is a kind of performance that technically originates from the so-called ‘theatre’, but it is not just acting; it is the natural phenomenon of living in Tokyo in 2021. It is not a story (with a plot), but a narrative (about the human condition). Art, in the first place, has an innate problem-solving function and power. And what makes a culture a culture is not the artists who express it but the audience that experiences it. Of course, this is not limited to art, but it is only realized when others acknowledge it. The scenes, thoughts and lines of the works we create may never truly get through to the audience. But even so, if we don't give up on our expression, there will always be something that the audience gets from it, and maybe that something will become a ‘revolutionary switch’ that will change the world for a viewer.
Do you treat pop- and subculture more as a resource, then?
Of course, in addition to creating an amalgamation of Japanese subcultures, in every performance we also take up a single narrative (plot) as a central theme. In the past, for example, we have explored ‘earthquake’, ‘life’, ‘family’, ‘AI advancement’, ‘education’, ‘Olympics’, ‘student protests’, ‘traditional Japanese performing arts such as Kabuki’, ‘various plays (including musicals) from all over the world’, ‘romantic love’, ‘the definition of major issues that are microcosms of modern society’, and many more, from the intimate to the abstract. That’s because these aforementioned themes are the origin of it all. There are no extraneous songs or acts in the performances, and I have no political intentions in my expression. Furthermore, they are not just narratives, but dance performances using various metaphors, mediums and expressions. I used over 50 remixed songs in the performances and I believe that each has its own unique world-scape that transcends the boundaries of language, gender, religion, culture, age, race and disability, becoming a seamless nonverbal performance, which is why it is highly acclaimed regardless of the country.
Even if there’s a language barrier, you have to find a way to communicate without difficulty and without losing too much by making efforts to create new bonds and relationships. I used a reversal theory and took my experience as a uniquely Japanese ‘underground idol’ and turned it into otaku-based art, serving audiences with my utmost ‘hospitality’, or omotenashi. I won’t delineate what is or isn’t art and what is or isn’t theatre. In any case, all ‘art’ as it has been appreciated in the past, from Shakespeare to Van Gogh to Katsushika Hokusai, was established on the precedent of a public audience that liked it, whatever it was. There are people who understand my work, people who read too much into it, people who are moved by it, people who are shocked by it even though they don't fully understand it, people who are offended by it but still watch it anyway – there are various reactions. Ultimately, nothing is possible without acknowledgement from others. There is no such thing as self-indulgent ‘art’. No matter the art form, the precedent is that it is seen. So for now, I just want people to see our performances, and whether they are the audience or not, I want to forcibly involve them in our lives, and have them experience that which cannot be rationalized at first!
Toco Nikaido, Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker: Extreme Voices (2016). Malta Festival Poznań, Poznań. Photo: M. Zakrzewski.
Miss Berserker is like a magpie searching through pop- and subcultural wreckage for anything and everything that it could possibly celebrate and explore. The relationships between the sheer amount of materials that are used and discarded in your work, and the desire to reclaim and celebrate cultural ‘trash’, are fascinating. What do these relationships mean for you?
We live in an age of disposability. What we get is ‘instant gratification’, nothing that lasts. Everything is over before it begins. Our work unfolds with overwhelming speed and information, representing our current consumerist society. The stage is teeming with people and over the course of the 30-minute performance multiple events occur simultaneously and all over the place, switching around and proceeding, so we don’t allow audiences to space out. An overwhelming quantity of things, information and manpower runs rampant, and as a result, the stage and the audience seating area is filled with the intense heat and odour created by these monster-like dynamic performers, including myself. The place turns inside out and looks like the innards of a trashcan in the end [laughs].
In theatre, there is a strict delineation between the performers on stage and the seated audience, and the audience may feel powerless, but when they are saved at the last minute they feel great catharsis. Even if the viewer is sprayed with a lot of water, tofu, or seaweed, he or she can remain alone, protected by the small seat, retain self-control and not run away. They don’t get involved that easily, even if water is poured on them. They are able to defend their position as ‘spectators’ with all their might. But at the end of the performance, the Miss Berserker staff near-forcibly drag the people who had, until then, been on the ‘audience’ side to come up on stage. That’s because ‘Ohagi Live’ is a performance that expresses the utmost gratitude to the audience, saying, ‘You're going on stage because you're the protagonist’. The audience members will feel like they want to cry, they will feel like they want to laugh, they will feel surprised, and this tsunami of feelings will flood them, but I want them to take it all in. They might be embarrassed but I want them to go up. That’s the perfect condition I want them to be in. This will extinguish the audience members’ inferiority complexes and eliminate the feeling that they are the ones watching who cannot go on stage. What awaits everyone after this full-bodied battle – both performers and audience members – is a collective feeling of wishing for everyone’s happiness and indiscriminate mutual affirmation. So let's all go for it with all our might!
When writing about these performances or trying to describe their ‘excess’ to others, I find myself searching for hyperbolic prefixes: super-saturated, hyper-cultural, ultra-fast, and so on. What is it that draws you to excess, and what does it offer to you as a director and performer?
Thank you, that's an honor [laughs]! Nikaido-style ‘Ohagi Live’ performances are based on the idea that people cannot be moved by something that doesn’t shock them. They are reflections of today’s Japan, today’s Tokyo, and are naturally thus super-dense, super-fast, super-extreme performances. They derive from the bodies of today’s young people, emanating a chaotic and frenzied energy, creating a strong sense of unity on stage. In short, I want to do something that will change the lives of the audience members to an extent so great that you can hear the change occur. I don’t want them to be bored, even for a moment. To do so, I might just be throwing in a lot of excessive, twisted and energetic things. And I chose the name ‘Ohagi Live’ because it's an expression that I find most reliable and that makes me feel most alive. Words alone can lie, and the body alone can be vague. One or the other is boring, and easily forgettable. My nature is hopelessly flighty [laughs]. So I wanted to use all five senses to stimulate the viewer's sixth sense, to express myself concretely with words, and to prove my existence with my body. The presentation of manpower that rises up in spite of an overwhelming amount of movement – that, I think, is ‘being alive in this moment’. And Miss Berserker offers that feeling to me.
All of your work seems to court chaos, from the formation of Banana Gakuen Junjo Otome-gumi (Banana Academy Pure-Hearted Girls’ Group) in 2008, through to the Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker performances and beyond. However, it’s also highly disciplined, and demands a lot from the performers. Could you tell us about your directorial approach when looking to coordinate the impression of chaos?
The crazy-controlled contradiction is the subversion of militaristic, physical performance in a chaotic space that seems to be a mixture of all Japanese subcultures and that is created by the use of large amounts of water, open flames, confetti, excessive lighting, sound, video and enormous amounts of props. Amid the cacophony, multiple performers move and scream in all directions, creating a very chaotic space on the stage, but the performers’ body movements and voices, the way they hold their props and even the angles are all calculated in an absolutely systematic manner. Every movement in every count of the music is a ‘pose’, and every performance is a series of poses, which the performers are required to follow. At first glance, the space appears to be in disorder. But in fact, it is a thoroughly controlled, mechanical system of movement. In this sense, the idea that Japanese subcultures are ‘messy things without coherence’ is itself presented as the ‘art’. Miss Berserker is not just chaos. It is order, calculation, calmness, and passion. ‘An extreme show, performed with excessive density’. Our sincere passion for entertainment channeled through an overwhelming amount of practice moves the audience.
Performers with ‘string telephones’. Toco Nikaido, Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker: Extreme Voices (2016). Festival Theaterformen, Braunschweig. Photo: Andreas Greiner-Napp,
All of this makes me wonder how you’ve been dealing with the effects of the pandemic. Do you think it will affect the pace or intensity of the work that you make once the prospect of live theatre and international tours are feasible and sustainable again?
I’m sure it’s been affecting my thoughts. My performances were also affected when the Great East Japan Earthquake hit on 11 March 2011. At the time, cellular network lines actually went down and society went into a state of panic, and most people lost the ability to contact their families, friends and loved ones. I created a scene, even in such an emergency situation, in which I used a very primitive prop called a ‘string telephone’ made of only a piece of string and a paper cup, so that even without the ability to see the other person, one can feel the other's presence with one’s sense of touch and hearing. The vibration of the string alone creates a line that eventually becomes a big circle. So, even in today’s global and unprecedented situation, I believe culture is not something that is ‘unessential’. Artistic expression and entertainment are essential for all humans as a means to keep on living.
Staging Decadence would like to thank Amber Noé for translation, and Amanda Waddell for her help in setting up the interview.
Warning: the following video contains strobe lighting
二階堂瞳子氏は東京を拠点に活動するパフォーマンス・メーカーであり、アイドルでもある。漫画やアニメ、アイドルなどのオタク的なサブカルチャーにインスパイアされ、それらを再現した作品を制作している。2008年に作家の中屋敷法仁氏のサポートを得て初のグループ「バナナ学園純情乙女組」を旗揚げする。3年後、共に池袋で舞台公開をした『バナ学 eyes★芸劇大大大大大作戦!!!! 』や『バナ学バトル★☆熱血スポ魂秋の大 運動会 !!!!!~東京大会~』のパフォーマンスで初めて世界的な注目を浴びる。2013年には新グループ「革命アイドル暴走ちゃん」の旗揚げ公演及びツアーを実施する。暴走ちゃん『騒音と闇 ドイツ凱旋ver.』を2014年にドイツにて、そして『Extreme Voices』を2016年にロンドンのリフトフェスティバルにて披露し、世界に彼女の作品を知らしめた。公演は30〜50人の出演者をロテーションして行われている。2013年〜2017年の間には、加藤真砂美氏、高村絵里氏、そしてアマンダ・ワデル氏の3人の主要なキャストと共演していた。終始、日本のサブカルチャーやアニメソング、アイドルソング、J-POP、K-POPなど50曲余りが轟音で鳴り響く。様々な歴史的スタイルやサブカルチャーの流行を反映した衣装(例えば、ボーカロイドアイドルの初音ミクを模した青い鬘 )。万華鏡のようなアニメのグラフィックやアイコンの連打をステージに映し出すストロボのような投影。客席に投げ込まれる消耗品(海苔、豆腐、紙吹雪、水、光の花火など)の数々。そして、アイドルのコンサートでオタクが行うチアダンスのような熱狂的なオタ芸。二階堂氏が次の取材のように述べているように、観客はそれぞれの作品を「楽しむ」ためには、多様で文化的に特異的な言及に精通している必要はなく、「意味が理解できないが刺激的」が国内外の批評家や観客の間では「クールジャパン」のフェチ化に応じるカオスな返答を体現した「暴走ちゃん」の公演に対する反応の一つである。
勿論日本のサブカルチャーをごった煮するだけでなく、毎公演、ひとつの物語(プロット)を掲げており、過去の例だと、『震災』、『命』、『家族』、『AIの進化』、『教育』、『オリンピック』、『学生運動』、『歌舞伎などの日本の伝統芸能』、『国外問わず様々な戯曲(ミュージカル含む)』、そして『恋愛』のような身近なものから、『現代社会の縮図のような大きな問題定義』まで、内容は多岐に渡ります。全ての発端は掲げたモチーフを通して発信されるので。劇中で無駄な曲のナンバーやアクトはありませんし、そしてそういうアクトがあろうとなかろうと、私の表現には政治的意図は全くありません。また、単に数珠繋ぎの物語というものではなく、様々な暗喩、媒体、表現を用いてのダンス、演技表現を行います。老若男女や50 曲余りの楽曲をリミックスして作られた演舞曲ひとつひとつに、それぞれ異なる世界が存在していており、そこには言葉、性別、宗教、文化、年齢、人種、障害などを超えた、隔たりのないノンバーバルなパフォーマンスが国を問わず高く評価を受けているのだと思います。
光栄です(笑)「驚きのないものに人は感動しない !」という信念の元、二階堂が創作する作品(通称「おはぎライブ」)は、今の日本、東京から派生した超濃密!超高速! 超過剰!な自然現象的パフォーマンスであり、現代に生きる若者の身体からカオティックかつ狂騒的なエネルギーで発散され、舞台上で強烈な一体感を生み出します。要は、観る人の人生が音を立てて変わるようなことをやりたいんです。一瞬も飽きさせたくない。そのために過剰なもの、偏ったもの、エネルギーを感じるものをブチ込んでいるだけかもしれません。そして『おはぎライブ』という選択したのは私にとって最も信頼に足る表現である事、最も生きてる心地がすると思ったからです。単なるコトバだけでは嘘をつけるし、カラダだけでは曖昧にごまかせてしまう。でもどちらかなんてつまらないし、飽きてしまう…私って超絶飽き性なんですね(笑)なので五感全部を使って観る者の第六感を刺激し、コトバを持って具体的に言明し、肉体を持って確かに存在を証明できる。圧倒的な運動量を通してそれでも否応なく立ち上がってくるマンパワーを提示することが、『今、生きている』と言うことかな。そしてその実感が得られるのが私にとっては暴走ちゃんなんだと思います。